Tuesday 27 November 2012

UPDATED: Visit from Ms. Karen Amaba

We would like to thank Ms. Karen for visiting our office today. Have a safe trip to the UK and enjoy your White Christmas! Thank you for choosing Infinite Visa.


Infinite Visa offers programs in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Poland. For more information about our programs and the services that we offer, please visit our official website (www.infinitevisaph.com) and/or attend a FREE orientation at our office.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Congratulations, Ms. Amaba!

Someone is having a White Christmas! Congratulations, Ms. Karen Grace Amaba, on getting a UK Migrant Visa! We wish you all the best in your career. The whole Infinite Visa team is extremely happy for you. Thank you for trusting us with your dreams. 
Infinite Visa offers programs in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Poland. For more information about our programs and the services that we offer, please visit our official website (www.infinitevisaph.com) and/or attend a FREE orientation at our office.